
Why should I sell stock imagery on Alamy?
Why Alamy is the best place to sell your stock imagery
Whether it’s your full-time job, a weekend hobby or you’re a student; join our community who are already selling their stock imagery on Alamy to over 100,000 customers worldwide.
We have high brand exposure and dedicated marketing and sales teams that are focused on selling your stock imagery worldwide. We’re an established resource for big brand names with big media budgets that need a range of stock image choices.
With lots of choice available, stock agencies have to stand out and offer something unique. Here are four reasons why we think Alamy is the best place for you to sell your stock imagery:
- We’re fair, transparent and easy to work with
We make it easy for you to work with us, we’re non-exclusive, we don’t tie you in with a long term contract and we let you choose what you want to sell. We also offer a better commission than most other agencies and you can earn up to 50% commission. Click here to view our commission models. - You can send us anything
Our customers love us and the encyclopaedic nature of our collection – we have a bigger, broader, more unique collection than any other library so we want everything you’ve got. - We’re ethical
We really care! We aim to create the best environment for buying and selling imagery. As an independent agency, we’re not corporate and we have a friendly and open approach, underpinned by integrity and efficiency. - We’ve paid over $200 million to our contributors
We have an international network of happy contributors who’ve shared in this $200 million!
Getting started is quick, easy and free. You can sell stock images, vectors and live news.
Start selling your images today