Alamy students earn 100% commission
Why Alamy is the best place for students to sell images
1. You get 100% of the money
We’ll pay you 100% of the money from any sales you make for two years from the day you sign up (it doesn’t matter if you leave Uni or finish your course within this time – you’ll still get the full two years). No other agency is offering 100%, the industry average is 30% to the contributor.
2. Facilities at your fingertips for free
Stock photography is a great way to make some money from the photos you’ve already taken, and while you’re studying you have some of the best facilities at your fingertips. A great studio, a variety of cameras and specialist lighting are all you need for a great stock shot.
3. You can send us anything
Unlike other agencies we don’t edit on content; our Quality Control (QC) checks are just on technical criteria. Our customers love us and the encyclopedic nature of our collection – we have a bigger, broader and more unique collection than any other stock library, so we want everything you’ve got. If you think you have a stock image that a customer might want, then we just need to be confident that our customers are not going to have any technical issues when they buy your images.
4. Non-exclusive contract
We’re really easy to work with, we’re non-exclusive and we don’t tie you into a long-term contract (but why would you want to leave if you’re getting 100%).
5. We’ve got dedicated sales teams around the world
We have established sales teams in key markets (US, UK, Germany and Australia) and you also have the option of signing up to our network of partners who can sell your stock images to customers in most other countries and regions.
Start selling your images today