Frequently asked questions
About Alamy
Q. Why should I sell my stock imagery on Alamy?
A. There are loads of reasons why Alamy is a great place to sell your stock imagery, here are just a few of them:
- You could earn up to 50% of each direct sale for images that are Exclusive to Alamy
- We’ve paid over $200 million to our contributors
- We’re fair, transparent and easy to work with
- You can send us anything
- We have a great support service for our contributors
- We care – we’re ethical and philanthropic
If you’re still not sure then check out Why Alamy is the best place to sell your stock imagery for more info.
Q. Who buys stock images?
A. We sell imagery to thousands of designers, marketers, publishers and news desks around the world. Image sales vary, customers buy directly online or with support from our customer service teams. Your image could be sold to someone wanting an image on the wall in their office, to an educational publisher wanting an image for a text book, or a corporate company working on a huge global ad campaign.
We have dedicated sales teams in the UK, US, Germany, Australia and India securing and maintaining deals with large corporations, along with a large network of partners who sell our images directly in all other territories.
Q. What type of images do you sell?
A. We sell stock photos, videos, vectors, illustrations and Live News. We have an extensive collection full of every type of image, from everyday stock to niche subjects and locations. Its encyclopaedic nature means it’s a fantastic source of imagery for creative and editorial picture buyers. We want you to send us all of your images, mainstream or specialist, editorial or creative, as long as they are not created by artificial intelligence. If you’re looking for ideas on what to shoot, check out our Curated Image categories and our Fresh Picks.
Q. What marketing does Alamy do to promote my images?
A. We market Alamy images in lots of different ways. We do targeted e-marketing campaigns to our customers and new business prospects, showcasing our collection. We also promote our agencies and photographers by featuring them on our website.
Our Fresh Picks page showcases amazing new imagery from a range of agencies and photographers
We promote your images wherever we can as well, including:
- Our homepage – we feature a new image every day
- Our business cards – each has an individual image printed on the back
- Our categories page – showcasing hand-picked images of particular themes
- Our social media – including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn
- Other printed materials including postcards, trade stands for events, etc.
Our Online Marketing team also work really hard to get your images and our name out there, including SEO work to appear in Google images and other search engines.
We also believe customer service and good relationships are really important and invest large amounts of effort and time providing an excellent service to image buyers.
Q. I’m a beginner, how can I sell my photos?
A. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, as a photographer you have two options available to you to make money from your work:
1. Work directly with clients on commissioned projects
2. Advertise your images with a stock photo agency and get commission for every image sold
Find out more about how the stock industry works in our helpful Stock photo industry explained section.
If you already understand the stock business and want to know how to get your images on Alamy, go to our Sell images section for all the info you need to get started.
Q. I shoot microstock, can I sell my images on Alamy?
A. Yes! We are a non-exclusive agency, so you can sell your stock images on our website and on any other non-exclusive sites. We accept any style of imagery and have a huge range of image buyers sourcing their imagery from us.
Q. I’m a student photographer, is Alamy interested in my images?
A. As a student, you can sell your images in lots of ways:
- Work directly with clients on commissions projects
- Directly through your own website
- Through an exhibition/gallery space
- Through a stock image agency, like Alamy
We run a fantastic student project aimed at developing new talent and giving you insight into the stock photo industry. We know money is tight so we give you 100% of the commission (on all direct sales) for two years. Find out more over on our student pages. You might also want to check out our helpful Stock photo industry explained section.
Q. Can I sell footage on Alamy?
A. We’re receiving and selling more images than ever before. Because of this we’ve decided to solely focus on stills for now and we’re not currently accepting any new footage applications.
Q. Can I sell images made with artificial intelligence (AI) programs?
A. No. We have an ethical position on our approach to AI-generated imagery which you can read in our blog here, and are not currently accepting any imagery created by artificial intelligence.
Start selling your images today