Discover Alamy's culture and vision
Alamy isn't just a stock image platform; it's a playground for creatives like you. We offer fresh, inclusive content that has fuelled the imaginations of brands like Netflix, Ogilvy, and Red Bull. With over 150,000 content creators from across the globe, our powerful search makes finding the perfect creative or editorial stock photos, vectors, 360-degree images, and videos a breeze.
At Alamy, we believe in the power of difference. We celebrate a diverse community of creators and believe it's this very variety that fuels creative brilliance. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment, working with integrity and respect for both creators and customers. We empower our community by encouraging boldness and bravery, taking calculated risks to constantly improve.
Our core values are simple: Your success is our success (we're customer-centric). We achieve greatness together, learning from both triumphs and challenges (team spirit is key). We strive to be better than yesterday, always innovating (continuous improvement is our motto). We embrace creative solutions and aren't afraid to take risks (boldness and bravery pave the way). Finally, we do the right thing, always (integrity and responsibility are at the heart of everything we do).
Alamy is more than just a platform; it's a community that values creativity, celebrates difference, and empowers you to push boundaries. Join us and see where your imagination takes you.

We’ve made it our business to keep on evolving
Founded in 1999, Alamy was built on a vision to change the world of picture buying. Since then, we’ve evolved. We exist to electrify creativity by acting as a catalyst for creators and contributors, helping you to take risks and realise your unique visions.
Join Alamy
We're on the lookout for brilliant, passionate people who think differently and want to help us build our global business. Explore our current openings or discover what life is like inside Alamy.